
- Pharmacy Management System (PMS)

RxOffice Pharma is an integrated software which is designed for the Pharmacy Stores. The software automates the repetitive tasks for the Pharmacist.

The Pharmacist gets the detailed picture of the stores in terms of Sales. Stock & Profits etc through the elaborate reports and MIS inbuilt in RxOffice Pharma. 

RxOffice Pharma enables the users to save time & money in keeping track of the invoice, Sales & other accounts/transactions.



- Solutions for Hospital Management (HMS)

Why RxOffice HMS?

If answer to any of the following questions is yes then please call us for a unique cost effective Solution :

1. Are your Patients getting billed incorrectly ?

2. Are your Tests consuming more than required ?

3. Did you notice Bills with same numbers issued to Patients ?

4. Are the Discharge Notes not uniform ?

5. MLC case not reported to Police ?

6. Is staff turnover eating your Valuable time in explaining Hospital Vision and Policies every now and then?